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Deb Covington

Principal + Head of Operations

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Deb comes to Delta Foxtrot + Co with a wide array of experience in Team Development and Team Dynamics. She has more than 40 years of experience in the healthcare industry. The majority of her time was spent in the Operating Room as an RN. Her interest in team dynamics and effective communication, especially in critical situations, led to her further training in this area. She became a team trainer in healthcare, as well as a coach and mentor.

Deb is a trained meeting facilitator, with a real interest in constructive conflict resolution. A passion for great customer service peer to peer also adds to the dimension she brings.

As a compassionate caregiver, her mission has always been to take care of the caretaker, which is critical in our world now. Working as a Medical Practice Manager, and Nurse Manager has given her the opportunity to practice healthy team dynamics with her staff. Deb’s motto is: “You have to love people to success.”

For over 20 years, Deb was involved in medical missions in developing nations in her spare time. She worked with a variety of Non- Profit organizations and was instrumental in starting an organization to serve people in Guatemala. For many of the missions, Deb acted as Head Nurse leading the surgical teams in hundreds of operations.
Honoring the dedication to this work, Deb was awarded; ”Unsung Heroes of Compassion”, by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.


Deb’s role in Delta Foxtrot +Co involves teaching, training and her all-time favorite, relentless

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